Life Christian Academy School of Performing Arts Media Relations Policy

Adopted On 8/18/2016 Last Reviewed August 31, 2023 and Last Updated On august 31, 2023.

The LCA Head of School serves as the primary spokesperson for the School in the context of media relations. The Chair of the Board serves as the primary spokesperson for the Life Christian Academy School of Performing Arts, Inc. and its Board. The Chair, with the approval of the Board, may delegate any other Board member or other person to serve as spokesperson for the Board and/or School in any matter or matters.

Life Christian Academy School of Performing Arts (“Board”) adopts the following policy, effective on the date of adoption, applicable to Life Christian Academy School of Performing Arts (“School”):


To foster positive relationships with the media; ensure that information provided to the media is accurate, comprehensive, and complete; to provide reporters appropriate access to the best sources of information; and to protect the privacy rights and best interests of students, a protocol for providing information to the media is established and outlined in this policy.


No Board member, School employee, or employee or agent of any other company or entity working with the School will release information identified as private or confidential by the School, the Board, policy or administrative regulation.


The LCA Executive Director and/or Head of School will serve as the spokespersons for the School in the context of media relations.

The Executive Director will coordinate with the Head of School and the Chair of the Board on all media requests and will coordinate with the school Communications Director and any outside entity or individual providing media relations services to the school, as needed, prior to making statements to the media or responding to media inquiries.

Student-Related Publicity

Proposed publicity regarding students will be evaluated by, and consent or disapproval determined by, the Executive Director and/or the Head of School pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, other applicable laws, and the best interests of the student or students. The Executive Director and/or the Head of School will consult with the Chair of the Board if any student-related publicity touches on matters related to school governance, overall school performance, or would otherwise touch on matters that reflect poorly on the School, its staff members, or Board of Directors.

Media Contact

Any individual working for the School who is contacted by the media regarding any School-related matter, including any matter regarding student(s), curriculum, or other aspect of School operations, will notify the Executive Director and Head of School immediately and direct the media inquiry to the Executive Director.

The LCA Executive Director will notify the LCA Board Chair promptly upon being contacted for comment by the media.

Any Board member contacted by the media will notify the Board Chair promptly and direct the media inquiry to the Executive Director.

Press Releases

All press releases and other proactive and reactive LCA media communications will be coordinated with the Board Chair, Head of School and Executive Director.

Media Access to School Events

The media will have access to all LCA School events to which the public has been invited.

When members of the media cover School activities other than public events, they must have the approval of the School before interviewing, filming, or photographing staff or students. Under no circumstances will any student be interviewed, taped, or photographed, without prior written permission from his or her parent or guardian.